Friday Hack Chat with Jason Kridner

This Friday: Jason Kridner will joining Hackaday’s weekly Hack Chat to talk BeagleBone, PocketBeagle, the community and more! Friday Hack Chat: The Incredible BeagleBoard Topics for this Hack Chat will include the direction BeagleBoard is going, the communities involved with BeagleBoard, and how to get the most out of those precious programmable real-time units. As always, […]

GSoC 2017: BeagleWire software support

Patryk Mężydło has posted the final video for his Google Summer of Code 2017 project GSoC17 Project: BeagleWire software support – final presentation The task is to create software support for FPGA cape (based on iCE40 device). The completed project will provide the community with easy to implement and powerful tools for realization of projects […]

diy-VT100 meets BeagleBone Black

Kuldeep Singh Dhaka has designed a miniature hardware terminal: diy-VT100 A small VT100 that you can carry in your hands, connect to any hardware that provide serial interface. Here’s a video of the diy-VT100 meeting the BeagleBone Black:

Laser PCBs with LDGraphy

Inderpreet Singh writes on the Hackaday blog about Henner Zeller’s latest project: Laser PCBs with LDGraphy There are many, many ways to get a PCB design onto a board for etching. Even with practice however, the quality of the result varies with the process and equipment used. With QFN parts becoming the norm, the days of […]

Music-Loving BeagleBone Blue

From Inderpreet Singh on Hackaday: Music-Loving BeagleBone Robotic control can get very complicated when multiple actuators need to work in coordination with each other. A simple robotic arm will require each joint to be controlled in sequence to attain a particular position. The BeagleBone Blue comes armed with motor drivers, sensor inputs, and wireless and is built […]

Google Research PRUDAQ cape

Jason Holt of Google announced the PRUDAQ cape yesterday: Announcing an Open Source ADC board for BeagleBone We wanted to measure the strength of a carrier. We started with traditional analog circuits — amplifier, filter, envelope detector, threshold. You can see some of our prototypes in the image below; they get pretty messy. The result […]

Make write-up on updating to new BeagleBone Black Debian images

Make write-up on updating to new BeagleBone Black Debian images