BeagleBone Black Project Spotlight: Shield I/O

Some unlikely combinations just seem to work: Oreos and peanut butter, Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott and now Arduino and BeagleBone Black! With the new Shield I/O, you can now use (almost) any Arduino shield with a BeagleBone Black. The Shield I/O, created by Andreas Behrend, adapts Arduino shields to be BeagleBone Black compatible, it […]

Calling all GSoC Mentors

We are getting great interest from students this year for Google Summer of Code, but we could use a bit of help from our community getting a great feedback on their proposals. I encourage you to engage with them on #beagle-gsoc and the beagleboard-gsoc mailing list even if you don’t plan to be a mentor, […]

Debian Beta images have been released

As posted earlier today on the mailing list, the latest BeagleBone Debian beta images are now posted for broader testing at: If you’ve upgraded the firmware on your BeagleBone or BeagleBone Black in the past, the experience will be quite similar, but you might find the eMMC flashing times a bit faster (~15 minutes […] Mentoring Google Summer of Code has once again been selected as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code! This means it is time for students and potential mentors to check out the information on the program home page to find out about the program in general and discover the other organizations participating in mentorship this year. Once familiar […]

BeagleBoard-xM project spotlight: Fish on Wheels

By Tara Stratton Don’t drink and drive, unless you are the driver of today’s featured Beagle project. That is, unless you are… a fish! Goldfish can now explore the world beyond the limits of the tank with Fish on Wheels, a robotic car from Studio diip, a design shop in the Netherlands. Fish on Wheels […]

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: LOGi-Bone

By Tara Stratton As working professionals, Michael Jones, Jonathan Piat and their team at Valent F(x) know that interfacing with FPGA boards can be a clunky and cumbersome process. With these complexities of electronic design in mind, they strove to devise a more user-friendly, plug-and-play method to, as Michael put it, “make even students and […]

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: Rose-Hulman ECE Christmas lights

Imagine having the ability to personalize your Christmas tree lights. When the holiday is approaching and it’s time for your family tradition of picking a tree, baking cookies, and putting on the garland, lights, ornaments, and big star on top, it seems like there is always something wrong with the lights! A few bulbs have […]

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: Robotics Cape by Strawson Design

Inspiration is not an easy thing to come by, and no one can predict when it will strike. The light bulb suddenly flashes on overhead, and the gears inside your brain start to turn. The excitement of the “Ah hah!” moment is great, but often short lived when the realization of the logistics come into […]

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: The BeeDome

By Tara Stratton ForestDew Apiaries, located in Ottawa, Ontario, has been keeping, testing and trying 20 strains of bees from all over the world for 13 years. They pride themselves on coming up with innovative products and solutions in the bee industry, and their BeeDome is definitely one of these solutions. The BeeDome is a […]

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: Petcube

As Alex Neskin slipped out the front door for work, he couldn’t help but feel the heartache as he heard the barks and cries from his Chihuahua, Rocky. It was the same routine every day. He would try to sneak out the door attempting to be unnoticed by Rocky, but every time the door would […]