BeagleBone Black project spotlight: BeagleROV

By Natalie Nelms You don’t have to be a child to play with remote-controlled cars. The BeagleROV is an exciting toy that would bring any adult Maker back to the good ole’ days – except this robot packs a bit more punch than the classic Nascar minis. Powered by the TI Sitara AM335x processor-based BeagleBone […]

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: Squink

By Natalie Nelms Standing in line for coffee, a commercial break, boiling water – all things that only take a matter of minutes. What if building circuit boards were that easy and time efficient? At New York startup company BotFactory, devices print and assemble electronic circuit boards from your desktop in a matter of minutes. […]

The Squink—a personal electronics factory?

Personal electronics factory built on #BeagleBoneBlack — support the Kickstarter campaign now!

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: Pocket NC P5

By Natalie Nelms Computer numerical control (CNC) milling machines have been around for decades. Most are industrial-sized, and are used create everything from the shaped trim on a house to the mechanical components of a space shuttle. Over the last decade, a large do-it-yourself community has emerged giving a new market to CNC milling machines […]

First steps with the HC-05 on the BeagleBone Black

Simple serial-based Bluetooth client connection on #BeagleBoneBlack

Talking BeagleBoard with [Jason Kridner]

I talk Google Summer of Code, BeagleBone based 100MHz 14-bit logic analyzer and PRUs with Hackaday.

BeagleBone Black project spotlight blog post: Kuyurix Bus Speakers

Commuting in a big city is a tough task, especially when public transit and traffic congestion make the process even more difficult. For someone who is blind, finding your way around the city on public transportation in these conditions can seem daunting, or nearly impossible. Marcelo Gutierrez recognized this issue and wanted to do something […]

MQTT on BeagleBone not limited to Linux

MQTT on Beaglebone with Windows Embedded Compact 2013. Windows Embedded has the advantage of being real-time, but on a closed-source kernel. Who all uses this?

HOPEX Slides

Joshua Datko published his Hope X slides and will be at Defcon

The CryptoCape For BeagleBone

Information security for everyone. Joshua Datko showing off his BeagleBone cape at HopeX.