Backyard Brains: Controlling Cockroaches, Fruit Flys, And People

Hackaday shocks and then remote controls me

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: Barbot

Ringing a bell, throwing some cash, snapping your fingers and maybe even showing a little extra cleavage have all been used to flag down bartenders. But Sean Carney, creator of Barbot, can catch the attention of his bartender with a quick click of the mouse and a remote Internet connection. The Barbot is an Internet-controlled […]

IBM tutorial on using TI SensorTag with BeagleBone Black

IBM has published a tutorial on using Texas Instruments’ (TI) SensorTag kit with BeagleBone Black: The SensorTag kit connects six (6) sensors to TI’s CC2541 Wireless MCU that features Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) connectivity. The sensors are temperature, humidity, pressure, accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. It seems to me that connecting some of these to a […]

Project Spotlight: Object Record

Did you know that The New York Times writes itself? No, not the newspaper-but objects at The New York Times R&D Lab have “thoughts” of their own that they journal for our reading pleasure. The New York Times R&D Lab has created Object Record, a device that pairs objects with sensors that perceive environmental conditions around it through […]

Hackaday Descends on Detroit: Redbull Creation and a Meetup with You

You can bet I’ll be at the Hackaday meetup at i3 Detroit!

Machinekit Meetup

I just got back from a meetup of Machinekit developers hosted by Tormach, a maker of professional CNC machines. There I got a glimpse into the future of personal CNC machines and 3D printers. Building on the long successful LinuxCNC project, Machinekit has added support for additional platforms, including BeagleBone Black, and additional real-time Linux […]

Make write-up on updating to new BeagleBone Black Debian images

Make write-up on updating to new BeagleBone Black Debian images

A U-Boot Independent Standalone Application

An Introduction To The BeagleBone PRU

Hack-a-day write-up on BeagleBone PRU

Yet another set of notes on building BeagleBone kernel

This is for building the current “production” 3.8 kernel. I’ll follow-up with building a mainline kernel in a few days. I’m only documenting this here temporarily to see if there really are any gaps in the kernel build documentation that are causing people to stumble. I got a query on #beagle yesterday that I haven’t […]