Problems with Google (Groups)

What is up with Google?  We have hundreds of messages waiting moderation on the BeagleBoard Google Group, but the tool no longer enables message moderation—and absolutely no communications from Google.  Have they simply bitten off more than they can chew?  Are they trying to take too much control?  Either way, I’m shopping for a new […]

BeagleBoard on The Amp Hour and at ESC Boston

This week, I went on the Amp Hour with Chris, Dave and Jeff.  We spoke about a lot of things BeagleBoard related, including the upcoming next revision of the BeagleBoard. Also, I wanted to remind everyone that there will be new hands-on training at ESC Boston this month and full-conference attendees will get a free […]

BeagleBoard turns 3.0!

Three years ago this week, Digi-Key announced the BeagleBoard.  Since then, BeagleBoard-xM was launched and numerous other distributors have also signed up to deliver the BeagleBoard and BeagleBoard-xM all around the world. Linux is turning 20 years old this year and Linus has released version 3.0.  You can try 3.0 out on the BeagleBoard or […]

BeagleCast 2011-05-06: Talking ARM with Greg K-H

Today we interview Greg Kroah-Hartman and your hosts are Jason Kridner and Jeffery Osier-Mixon. Gerald will be back in two weeks. To provide questions or suggestions: Call +1-713-234-0535 or visit the BeagleCast suggestions form Links to the recordings BeagleCast-20110325.mp3 BeagleCast-20110325.ogg Links to show topics Some in stock @ Digi-Key this week! A 300ms BeagleBoard boot? […]

Indiana Linuxfest and the CATCAN quadpod

I was at Indiana Linuxfest this weekend. A couple of BeagleBoard-xMs were raffled off in support of the conference and it seemed a lot of people were interested. I gave a brief talk about the BeagleBoard project, Mark Yoder from Rose-Hulman and his students gave hands-on training to those interested in the Hackerspace Village and […]

BeagleCast 2011-03-25: Super Jumbo

The theme of today’s show is “Super Jumbo” and your hosts are Jason Kridner, Gerald Coley and Jeffery Osier-Mixon. To provide questions or suggestions: Call +1-713-234-0535 or visit the BeagleCast suggestions form Links to the recordings BeagleCast-20110325.mp3 BeagleCast-20110325.ogg Headline news Windows Compact 7 Two new Distributors in China — ChipSee — CATCAN From the RSS […]

BeagleCast 2011-03-14: BeagleBoard-xM rev C

Today’s hosts are Jason Kridner, Gerald Coley and Jeffery Osier-Mixon.  Below are the show note links. Links to the recordings BeagleCast-20110314.mp3 BeagleCast-20110314.ogg To provide questions or suggestions: Call +1-713-234-0535 or visit the BeagleCast suggestions form From the RSS feed Running a BeagleBoard off of Batteries BeagleBoard cases with a MakerBot on Thingiverse New SGX Graphics […]

BeagleCast 2011-03-07: The inaugural podcast

Today’s hosts are Jason Kridner, Gerald Coley and Jeffery Osier-Mixon.  Below are the show note links. Links to the recordings BeagleCast-20110307.mp3 BeagleCast-20110307.ogg To provide questions or suggestions: Call +1-713-234-0535 or visit the BeagleCast suggestions form Jeff and Yocto Jeff at a conference near the Columbia river gorge Jeff now the Yocto community manager Yocto includes […]

Using Perl to read Linux events

For a simple demo that played a movie on a BeagleBoard, I wanted to add a simple mechanism to start the movie over again if the USER button was pressed. To read a Linux input event, it is as simple as just performing a read. The only trick to this for me, however, is that […]

Vote for the winner in the TI/UT BeagleBoard Design Challenge

BeagleBoard UT Design Challenge! TI and UT Austin students step up to the challenge What is the most inventive thing that can be done on the BeagleBoard today? Students from the University of Texas at Austin have stepped up to the challenge to find new and unique ways to push the envelope, inspired by the […]