What is SeeedStudio BeagleBone® Green Gateway?
Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Gateway is a low cost, open-source, community supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. It is a joint effort by BeagleBoard.org and Seeed Studio. It is based on the classical open-source hardware design of BeagleBone® Black and developed into this differentiated version. The Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Gateway includes two Grove connectors, making it easier to connect to the large family of Grove sensors. The on-board HDMI and Ethernet are removed to make room for these wireless features and Grove connectors.
The Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Gateway is a combination of Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green and Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Wireless, equipped with both Ethernet and Wireless connectivity.
Boot Linux in less 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB cable.