NEON training

One of the most important aspects of the community is that I’m mostly irrelevant. This means that I’m not a bottleneck to the important things that happen in the community. Unfortunately, it also means that I’m also not always in-the-loop on great events coming up that utilize the BeagleBoard® and getting the word out […]

Beagleboard in India costs 3500 Rupees less …

It is great to know that IDA systems will be shipping beagleboards in India for just Rs 8999 In the past beagleboards were available for 12500 Rs, thanks for Gerald Coley, CircuitCo and IDA to work together in getting the cost down for India. IDA systems is also announced as official distributor for Beagleboards […]

Beagle Clinic India : August Event – an update

Beagle Clinic India was held at Texas Instruments campus on 29th Aug 2009. More details about participants and the technology discussed please click the link below, Few action items that were taken during the meet with probable solutions are given below : – USB HOST hangs when multiple devices are connected – OE kernel […]

Beagle Board at ESC Boston

The Beagle Board is back at ESC Boston! There will be a user’s group meeting following the training sessions. There is a two-hour hands-on introduction and 3 hands-on classes featuring Android, DSP-accelerated audio/video, and use of the 3D graphics accelerator. Classes are free for ESC attendees with a $99 setup fee to get access to […]

On-line Community Lightning Talks and Hands-on Training

To complement its $99 world-wide Tech Days 2009 program, TI is putting on a new free, on-line event called eTech Days ( It is a full day of interactivity and problem-solving on Thursday, August 27 2009. As just one part of this event, open source community developers are invited to present on their on-going activities […]

PicoFlamingo wins a Zoom-II for work in the Sponsored Projects Program

Futuristic and innovative ideas pay off in the form of a sweet device! Congrats to the PicoFlamingo team for thinking outside of the box with their BeagleBoard-based portable presentation system and winning a monthly prize in the Sponsored Projects Program for their excellent progress. They have been awarded the OMAP 3 based Zoom II Mobile […]

A successful Beagle Clinic program in India -May 2009

Hello all, I am really sorry to update this after a while, was totally lost in my new lost cost board that is coming up with OMAP L 13x (ARM9 and Floating point DSP). Beagle Clinic: A monthly Beagleboard consultation forum, an open event organized last Saturday of every month. I was very happy to […]

Beagleboard Design Contest INDIA Edition

Here is an exciting opportunity for students and professionals in India to showcase there talent on creating innovating applications with beagleboard. ARM, Texas Instruments and Cranes have jointly come forward with this initiative called beagle board design contest with exciting prizes and recognitions like certificates, speaker slots, presentations, etc. More information on this contest can […]

A pair of EDN Innovation winners

The “OMAP35x Application Processor” and the “Beagle Board Embedded Linux Development Board” were both winners of tonight’s EDN Innovation 2008 awards for their respective categories of “Microprocessors” and “Software/Embedded Tools”. It was a great evening, with several great products recognized and it was nice to have our products among those. It was a great way […]

Rev C available for Silicon Valley BeagleBoard User’s Group meeting

Rev C2 is available now! Same part number at Digi-Key and the same price! Twice the RAM (256MB, instead of 128MB) High-speed-only dedicated-host USB port with standard A-type connector LCD expansion header All of the Rev B units sold out, so all new orders will be filled with Rev C units which are already in […]