As mentioned in my New Year’s resolution, I’m going to launch some online training for embedded Linux development.
Yes, this training will happen. Interest continues to build. At this point, I’m delaying until the first of our triannual image releases comes out next month to align with the latest software release. I’m also fixing an issue with the TechLab boards being improperly classified for export, preventing shipments to some countries. I’m also working on getting a few more of these into distribution as I expect we’ll run out with everyone looking to do this training.
To make sure you don’t miss out, subscribe to the blog at
Here’s a bit more on the format:
• It will be done as YouTube “premieres” of 30 minute videos with live chat
• There will be an extra 30 minutes of live chat on
• On-going discussion on under “Training”
• First session built on PocketBeagle TechLab materials
from e-ALE workshops
➡ Kits will be available via a Digi-Key shopping cart

Feel free to get kits now, but I’ll try to include time to acquire kits after the first video. The first video will be more of an introduction to the concept and I’ll announce here on this blog when the first video is scheduled to premiere and will give at least a week’s notice.
As of now, some topics to be covered include:
➡ Use Linux command-line and explore file system
➡ Program basic Linux interfaces in JavaScript/Node-RED and Python
➡ Program PRUs using C
➡ Start writing kernel drivers in C