RT DACHSview-Bone for QNX and PREEMPT_RT Linux

RT DACHS-Bone is port of the graphical programming tool DACHSview for QNX and Linux based target systems. It's now available for ARMv7 systems and includes e.g. a JIT compiler for embedding plain C code into function blocks!

Posted by Angel on 2013-05-29T10:35:21-04:00

Build your own “software ICs” … RT DACHSview-BONE includes currently the most important OS primitives for QNX6.5 and a JIT compiler based on TCC. For the next relaese will be added CAN and SDL support, as well as support of ZMQ.
Planned are also function block libraries for accessing all hardware resources of the AM3359 SoC ( HR timers, PRU a.s.o)

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